Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees

Zero degree positions produce zero degree ball flights.

Schematic Golf has 0 degree positions for 10 positions, 25 parts, all actions, directions, performance, verbiage, filming, analysis, course management, pre-shot routine for all swings and strokes for all ages.

When standards produce zero degree flights and rolls without manipulation players become experts of mental and physical fundamentals throughout their life and careers.

Correct standards never change.

Elite fundamentals remain the same for life which create perfection of fundamental performance.

Standards based on opinions, narratives, group instruction and variances are not performance standards.

Professional golfers are not performance standards unless their fundamentals produce zero degree flights and rolls without manipulation.

There are golfers in the world rankings that have the same variances as 10 and 20 handicap golfers.

Never change fundamentally correct standards for the group.

Never change correct fundamentals to make technology work.

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