Standards & Development



All standards of fundamental performance for Schematic Golf are based on zero degrees and 100%.

Never based standards of performance on opinion, narrative, groups or commercial performance.


Master all positions.

10 positions - 25 parts - 2 views.

Building should happen once.

Learn to hit balls from correct fundamentals positions.

Build swings and strokes that produce straight flights and rolls without manipulation.

Players with fundamentally correct golf swings and strokes will always compete, win and remain at the highest levels of golf for all time.

Build everything using clubs played on Par 3s, Wedges, 2nd shots Par 5s and Drivers.

Never compromise a built position for the sake of another or the next position.

Know every position, every part, every direction, every action in all views.


Rebuilds happen once.

Rebuilding requires losing information while learning something new.

No one can rebuild a golf swing making golf swings.

Rebuilding fundamental positions requires learning in static positions never motion positions.

Rebuilds of swing and stroke require loss of negative mental and physical muscle memory during the building of positive mental and physical positions, parts, actions and directions.

Rebuilding a swing will not work if players are correcting actions, parts and sequencing while making normal swings and strokes.

When we plan on accomplishing a task faster than the task takes to accomplish we will be in constant state of recovery.

Correcting things in a shorter amount of time than it actually takes will require back tracking and possibly moving into a rebuilding and incorrect situations.

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