


Always take care of yourself before you are asked to do more things.

If you are going to the highest level of golf don’t act like you are already there before you are there, just don’t stop.

Teach kids from birth the highest level of golf mentally and fundamentally immediately.

It is not a good idea to copy professionals for kids. Professionals can be good with their work ethic and words but fundamentally be extremely carefully. There are professionals who’s golf swing does produce a straight ball flight.

Finish your golf swing as early as possible.

Kids require proof and words are not proof.

Every piece of information given to the kids must be correct information based on fact, never opinion or narrative.

Knowing the standards that create straight ball flights and rolls for every position, part, course management and training give us the ability to provide juniors the highest level of golf performance.

Never ask kids to play yardages that they cannot perform in regulation.

Add 1 stroke per hole for every hole that a player cannot reach the green in regulation then add to par.

Par 72

Junior Club Selections

Par 3s – 1 shot - 4-pw iron thru all wedges or less.

Par 4s - 2 shots - Tee shot, 6I thru sw or less.

Par 5s - 3 shots - Tee shot, fairwaywood, wedge.


  1. National Championships

  2. State Championships

  3. Qualifier’s National Championships

  4. Qualifier’s State Championships

  5. Local Championships

  6. Local Tours

Build, train and learn to maintain fundamental skills that you will carry for the rest of life as young as possible.

Juniors can finish their golf swing at a very young age, some as early as 6.

Physical fundamentals needed at the highest level of golf can be learned thru the ages of 5 to 8 and kept throughout a lifetime. Kids can be introduced to golf at birth if information is correct.

Learn and play well when needing to play well.

There are and will be juniors who competed at the highest levels that received trophies, medals, decorations, and certification without fundamental advantage and knowledge who will not suceeed at the highest level of golf.

Never put time limits on success of junior golfers.

There are players who are born with fundamentally correct swings and strokes including positions parts actions and optics that are mathematically correct.

No working out until growth plates are finished developing around the age of 17 maybe later to prevent adult injuries.

Caution against being good by association.

Learning, teaching and developing fundamentals is by far the most important thing in the development of a junior golfer.

For juniors to have choices they will need correct fundamentals.

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