




Instructional positions parts actions directions course management and statistics are the same for all of golf from peewees to professionals. Children should always be given the same verbal and fundamental information and instruction as the highest level of golf.

Performance instruction and commercial and marketing instruction are two totally different things.

Verbal instruction will mean nothing unless position, parts, actions and directions have been measured from down the line and face down views. When a down the line view or analysis of position, part, action or direction are thought correct without a face on view the result at best will be 50% correct.

Methods of instruction requiring manipulation at best produce 50/50 success rate.

Performance based golf instruction at the highest level of instruction can be performed in silence.

Sound off watching golf for performance instruction. Sound on for highlight, manipulation and opinion information.

It is harder to stop doing something than to learn something new.

If teachings are based on other players, narratives, opinions or whats popular success will be an accident.

Self teaching will not work with standards that change. Commercial standards change.

Industry and commercial instruction using flight monitors for fundamental standards will produce manipulation and random success.

Building golf swings based on ball flights will not produce fundamental success until golf swings are fundamentally correct and finished.

Analysis of ball flights without fundamental success will mean nothing.

Using words incorrectly will make correct situations incorrect.

Self coaching is possible when standards are based on math and science without manipulation never opinion or industry narratives and opinion.

Sometimes players will do what they want right or wrong because it’s the way they want to do it.

There is not higher information or instruction at the highest level of golf.

Correct standards never change.

Learn to accomplish the what, where, when, why and how of all fundamental performance in building, rebuilding, maintaining, playing and training.

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